The Language of the Universe

energy frequency vibration Apr 12, 2023

Energy, Frequency, Vibration... what's the difference?

Everything in the Universe is made up of energy. It is the source of power for every single thing on the planet from plants, to sunshine, to the life force that flows through our veins. Energy is found in the food that sustains us, and it is the currency in our cells. Energy is that which gets us out of bed with a skip in our step. And it is the lack thereof that makes us lethargic or have afternoon slumps. And energy is the feeling we get when we walk into a room, does the energy make us feel good, or do our spidey senses pick up that something is off? 

The Heartbeat of the Earth

Frequency is the rate at which energy vibrates - frequency literally creates energy, and there is a frequency for everything in this World. Our cells have their own frequency, as do toxins, bacteria and parasites. Anger, sadness, happiness - every realm of our emotions have a specific frequency, and we can shift our frequency all throughout the day as we interchange our moods. 

Hertz (Hz) "one event per second" is how we measure frequencies. For example a clock can be said to tick at 1 Hz, or a human heart to beat at 1.2 Hz. 

So what is the frequency of the Universe? 

The frequency of 7.83 Hz has been called the Earth’s 'heartbeat', otherwise known as Schumann resonance named after the physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, who documented it mathematically in 1952.

432 Hz is said by music theorists to be the frequency at which the universe vibrates. An experiment for you - lie on the Earth - the grass, the forest floor, the sand, your floor and listen to this 'heartbeat'. Can you feel the dance of resonance within your atoms, your DNA, does the tension slip away, how do you feel after 15 minutes? 

"Research has shown globally that people's heart rhythms can synchronize with the resonant frequencies of the Earth" HeartMath. Read that again. Watch that again. Is it any wonder that when we are far removed from Papatūānuku, Pacha Mama, Divine Mother Gaia, that we feel out of balance, irregular, disconnected?

Vibration is the amplitude or intensity of energy. The higher the vibration, the more powerful the energy.

Have you ever heard the phrase 'raise your vibration'?

Everything is energy, and energy vibrates at a specific frequency. Take the chart above as an example. Down the bottom the emotions of shame, guilt and apathy hold the vibration of very low frequencies. Whereas up the top Love, Joy and Peace are vibrating in extremely high ranges. 

But here lies the paradox. In order to reach these higher states of enlightenment, we must first face these shadow aspects of ourselves. Take anger for example, we cannot just click our fingers and be in a sudden state of reason. But if we face this anger, where is it stemming from? Anger can be protective of us, have our boundaries been crossed? Have we been nurturing our Liver? (The Liver represents where we hold anger in Traditional Chinese Medicine). 

If you can allow yourself to first feel this anger without reacting (this may be a muscle you need to train, so please be gentle with yourself), you may begin to realize that anger is an untapped volcano of potential. Imagine what you could creative with that energetic force? 

Kathleen Nora Bower

Bioresonance Practitioner, Esoteric Hypnotherapist, Soul Nutritionist & Student of the Universe with Astrology & The Gene Keys

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