Defining the 5D

Aug 14, 2023

with Bioresonance & The Gene Keys...


Dimensions from the teachings and learnings that I embody, are the realms of which we recognize to be our reality. Whichever dimension our consciousness is on, be it the 3D, 4D or 5D we are still on the same Earth, but rather our way of understanding, experiencing and perceiving life is completely different.


We are made of matter - physical, tangible, touchable 3 dimensional beings who comprehend the length, width and height of our surroundings. From a physics point of view our 3D space results because of the Big Bang Theory and a 'frozen in' point of the Universe that kept us from transitioning to a higher density.

The 3D realm is very much a plane that we live within when we are immersed in the material world, shaped by Ego and our conditioning, education and environment. Time is very linear, living by the clock and the Gregorian calendar - work, eat, sleep (maybe rave), repeat. 

Yet at the same time, this dimension is a vital part of our evolution and why we have come to Earth - the pleasures that derive from the nectar of our senses - touch, taste, smell, hear and feel.

And from the lens of the Gene Keys we can relate the 3D to the soil where we compost our shadows - the lower frequency bands of survival, fears, reactions, materialism, limitations, challenges, pain, and the distorted expressions of ourselves.

The aspects that make us Homo sapiens, and that when we can face and work with these facets and obstacles, enable the greatest leaps and growth, like a seedling that sprouts forth into the light.


Mathematician Hermann Minkowski who contributed to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, stated that “every event in the universe is an event in four-dimensional space-time", illustrated for example by the event of your birth.

You came into the world at a particular ‘3 dimensional’ destination with coordinates of latitude, longitude, and altitude. However, Minkowski's insight adds another layer - the fourth dimension of time.

Your birth occurred at a specific moment in time, with a particular date and time of day, and this event, your birth, is now described not only in terms of its spatial location but also in terms of its position along the timeline of history.

“The views of space and time which I wish to lay before you have sprung from the soil of experimental physics, and therein lies their strength. They are radical. Henceforth, space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.” Hermann Minkowski 

It is in this realm that we receive a heightened awareness of the interconnectedness of events, synchronicities, and the weaving of the past, present and future.

Whereas in the 3rd dimension the shadow may represent turbulence and unhealthy attachments, it is in the 4D that the Gift frequency blooms and blossoms. With emotional intelligence and creativity, empathy and compassion, a higher yearning for the secrets of the Universe, and deeper understanding of our connectiveness.

I love this description by Aaron Abke who replaces dimension with density - meaning light. 

"In the lower densities, think of yourself as porous and open to absorbing energies. As the density of light increases, consciousness evolves and becomes less porous and more enriched with information".

In essence a massive part of what we do with Bioresonance is to transmute lower vibrating frequencies into higher expressions, allowing more capacity for light to illuminate and rejuvenate our cells. 



The 4th dimension is the playground of our Soul, where the intertwining of space and time weaves a unique web of patterns and journeys and stories individual to each of us.

In the 5th dimension we transcend like the dragonfly metamorphoses, we realize we are the divine expression of Spirit, being manifested here on Earth for the Divine to dance and sing. We become the instruments for the greatest symphony ever to be played. 

And it is here that The Gene Keys and the 5th dimension unite through the Siddhis - the highest and most enlightened emanation of a Gene Key's frequency. A Siddhi is the fruit - all the right conditions have enabled the tree to thrive, the radiance of the sun beaming down on a peach, ripened to the precise perfection that when you take a bite - the exquisite juice tastes like Heaven upon your tastebuds. And we know that we are the peach, and the peach is us.

The Dragonfly's Dream - the 55th Gene Key by Richard Rudd takes you on a spectacular journey of contemplation, and transcendence into the 5th dimension for us all as a collective. 


The Bioresonance Technology of the 5D Scan is a profound catalyst to assist the ascent through the dimensions 'the Stairway to Heaven', by bringing awareness to all the thoughts, patterns, unconscious and conscious beliefs that keep you vibrating in states of pain, despondency, dejection and fear. 

We work with the Akashic Records 'the Universal library' that holds every thought, emotion, action, and experience that has ever occurred across time and space, to interpret exactly what is hindering the fabric of your Aura, your energy field.

And then through energetic frequencies of Astrology, Sacred Geometry, Chakras, Herbs & Colour Therapy to name a few, we can thread back together the fragments, the missing pieces so that you become once again a high vibrating extension and voice of Divine creation.

Freedom in the most liberating, blissful, purest sense. 

Kathleen Nora Bower

Bioresonance Practitioner, Esoteric Hypnotherapist, Soul Nutritionist & Student of the Universe with Astrology & The Gene Keys

Ways to work with me:


Esoteric Hypnotherapy

Alchemical Astrology Readings

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