Sweet Soul Music

esoteric hypnotherapy soul awakening soul calling soul connection soul language soul loss soul music soul trauma what is soul Mar 24, 2023
Soul music, Soul connection, Music of the Soul

The Music of Soul, the Melody of Soul, the Poetry of Soul!

If your Soul had a language what would it be? Colours, symbols? Sensations, tingles? Music, sweet soul music? 

Such as how Soul speaks through the feelings that a song evokes, how deeply a poem can move you, or the ecstasy as you dance like nobody's watching to your favourite and loudest tunes.

Soul sings to me through My Girl by Otis Redding, and I see a huge weeping willow that represents so many memories. Just typing this gives me all the feels! Or River by Leon Bridges, and I feel this vibration, this hum reverberate throughout my entire being, the River flowing through my veins, my heart just lifts.

If you close your eyes right now - what song immediately pops into your head? Your Heart? Are there any emotions, stories, cherished memories that come through? 

But what even is a Soul?

We are all born with a Soul, completely and uniquely our own innate signature and blueprint. Soul is the intangible things that we cannot touch or see with our 3D vision, but it is that essence, that life force within us that makes you - you and me - me. 

Soul is always here, as sure as the Sun will rise, and the Moon will wane, Soul is eternal. But it is through life experiences that sometimes we cannot see the forest for the trees, that there is more shadow than there is light.

Soul fragmentation occurs through trauma, giving or the taking away of our power, life challenges, and emotional turbulence.

Soul loss is when we feel disoriented in life, we are searching for something outside of ourselves to fix us, there may be feelings of emptiness, and you reach for food, alcohol, drugs, gambling to fill this gap, but nothing does.

How do we bring our Soul back to Whole?

A Soul calling is when you hear this voice or you feel this pull, and even if you try and ignore it, this niggle will keep you on your toes, like a stone in your shoe, if you don't do something about it the discomfort will grow greater and greater.

Do you feel like there is something more for you? That you shouldn't have to feel the way you do all of the time. That you deserve something greater in life than what your experience is right now? 

I did, and that is what beckoned me to become a Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapist® trained by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, founder and creator of the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand, and the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy.

This incredibly profound Healing system applies the knowledge of neuroscience, the discoveries of quantum physics and the legendary 12,000 year old hypnotherapy techniques of ancient Egypt. 

As oppose to modern day Hypnotherapy which only focuses on the body-mind-brain, and the placing of suggestions into the subconscious mind of the client while the client is in a trance state.

When we work alongside with Soul we get to the primary 'root cause' of your symptoms, be it anxiety, depression, addictions, fatigue, weight issues, insomnia, distrust, fear or rage. 

How good would it feel to have those sweet Soul music feels every single day?


Kathleen Nora Bower

Bioresonance Practitioner, Esoteric Hypnotherapist, Soul Nutritionist & Student of the Universe with Astrology & The Gene Keys

Ways to work with me:


Esoteric Hypnotherapy

Alchemical Astrology Readings

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