Aug 07, 2023

This blog is an amalgamation of my knowledge and experience with Bioresonance, the research and science behind the principles of distant healing, and my love for the mystic and magical choreography of the Cosmos.

Let’s talk energy, vibration & the legends of this field...

'Everything is energy' - famously defined by Albert Einstein's equation E=mc^2 - which demonstrates that energy (E) can be converted into mass (M) and vice versa. All that is matter i.e. you, me, the trees, the bees - emit energy that vibrates at a subatomic level within our cells.

And these specific frequencies, wavelengths, and electrically charged particles create an electromagnetic field around each of us, that carries energy and information in the form of electromagnetic waves.

"Though free to think and act, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them." Nikola Tesla

The Electromagnetic Field is the medium through which we correlate with the specialized technology of Bioresonance - in my case the ETA and 5D Scans  whereby we analyze and decipher the information within this Energy field.

And consequently identify potential imbalances or disruptions that we can correct and align, via resonant therapeutic frequencies that promote self-regulation of the body's innate wisdom and intelligence.

But how can we connect through Bioresonance anywhere in the World?


Quantum entanglement  - the phenomenon where particles such as a pair of photons or electrons become inherently linked, regardless of the distance between them. When particles are entangled, their properties become intertwined in such a way that measuring one particle instantaneously influences the properties of the other, even if they are light-years apart.

It is through this concept of interconnectedness and instantaneous communication in quantum entanglement, that is one of the ways that Bioresonance will pick up the accurate information in your field - the messages behind your symptoms. Your name and date of birth consist of a subtle energetic signature, completely unique to you, which allows the precision of the ETA & 5D Scans to pick up the energy of you, and only you. 

Bird Navigation: Some bird species, such as European robins, are known for their remarkable ability to navigate long distances during migration, and researchers have proposed that they have an innate navigation system that involves quantum entanglement of electrons in the bird's eye, enabling them to detect Earth's magnetic field and find their way.

Click the image above and it will take you to an amazing TED Talk of a Physicist Krister Shalm, who brought together 500 dancers over 36 cities, each dancer a literal demonstration of a photon that is entangled. 

"The quantum field in which we all exist has a profound effect on the healing process. As our brain consists of protons entangled with the field, any changes in frequency caused by the healer's vibrational field will alter the activity of these protons. This alteration affects our DNA structure and thus, every other aspect of our bodies, making protons essential for healing at a quantum level" Safa, Kimiya Healing

I was truly inspired to write this blog because sometimes I find it so hard to describe this profound modality and passion of mine that is Bioresonance, from a Scientific perspective straight off my tongue. 

But also because I wanted to pay homage to the Scientists and legends who brought these Quantum potentials into our 3D world, so that we can all connect the dots with our logical left brains.

I highly recommend this article for the incredible research of John Bell, Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen. 

Just as the Philosopher and pursuer of knowledge seeks to uncover the hidden truths of the universe, Scientists delve into the mysteries of quantum entanglement to understand how particles can be connected in this seemingly magical way. 

Ultimately I believe it is possible to transcend both of these realms, they need not be separate, especially in this Age of Aquarius - the zodiac of Science, Genius, the Future, Energy & Vibration. 

Kathleen Nora Bower

Bioresonance Practitioner, Esoteric Hypnotherapist, Soul Nutritionist & Student of the Universe with Astrology & The Gene Keys

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Esoteric Hypnotherapy

Alchemical Astrology Readings

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